Rehabilitation Engineering
The kick-off of the new master course Rehabilitation Engineering is scheduled for Oct 9th, 2006 at the seminar room Stadtbauwesen Nürnberger Straße ("Nürnberger Ei"):
09.30 - 10.00: Welcome (Dean Prof. Schach) / Organisation of the Master Programm (Prof. Ruge)
10.00 - 11.30: Introduction of teachers and students
11.50 - 12.40: at the Beyer-Bau, Room 73 - PC-pool of faculty of Civil Engineering (Doz. Dr. Hauptenbuchner)
12.40 Guided tour through the Campus (Mrs. Marschner) and Access to library
09.30 - 10.00: Welcome (Dean Prof. Schach) / Organisation of the Master Programm (Prof. Ruge)
10.00 - 11.30: Introduction of teachers and students
11.50 - 12.40: at the Beyer-Bau, Room 73 - PC-pool of faculty of Civil Engineering (Doz. Dr. Hauptenbuchner)
12.40 Guided tour through the Campus (Mrs. Marschner) and Access to library
Ulrich - am Donnerstag, 20. Juli 2006, 16:19 - Rubrik: Rehabilitation Engineering
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Zu einem Vortrag zum Thema "Intuitive Asset Management" im Rahmen der Lehrveranstaltung "Applied Statistics" des Rehabilitation Engineering Studiengangs sind nicht nur die Studierenden dieses Masterstudiengangs eingeladen. Am kommenden Montag (10.10.2005) wird ab 10.30 Uhr Dr. Penny Burns (Salisbury, Australia) zum Thema referieren. Sie ist seit mehr als 20 Jahren Expertin für das Anlagenmanagement stadttechnischer Infrastruktur (infrastructure asset management). Die Veranstaltung findet im 5.OG im Nürnberger Ei statt.
Ulrich - am Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2005, 10:26 - Rubrik: Rehabilitation Engineering
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The visit to the SLUB (library) that was planned for tomorrow is postponed - on grounds of ill health of our guard. The new date is wednesday, 20 October. Meeting point at 12.15 is the FRZ (computer cabinett) of the faculty of civil engineering, Beyer Bau room 73 (opposite the main entrance).
Ulrich - am Dienstag, 12. Oktober 2004, 11:46 - Rubrik: Rehabilitation Engineering
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The 2-Years-Master Programm "Rehabilitation Engineering" started today with the introductiory meeting at the faculty of Civil Engineering at the Dresden University of Technology. The picture shows the participants with their professors and German colleagues.
Ulrich - am Donnerstag, 7. Oktober 2004, 13:41 - Rubrik: Rehabilitation Engineering
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